Many churches are losing their young adults (18-40 year olds) to the world and other religions. we know it’s happening, we want to stop it but cannot stop it because we have been trying to fix new problems with moribund solutions…
Across the world it is obvious to us all that the Lord Jesus wants to empower and commission the next generation of leaders. Specifically those between the ages of 18 and 40 years of age.
The body of Christ just like the nations around them are aware of the need to pass on the baton but struggle to transfer the mantle to the next generation because the context of culture and practice is different and irreconcilable; it cannot happen without appropriate help and a massive but stable paradigm shift within its systems
Most ministries will not survive their leaders demise if they are unable to deal with these issues, if the average age of the adults in your assembly is above 45 years (and you are not in some healthy, fruitful and proactive engagement with the next generation) it is a sign your ministry will become extinct in the next 25 years when the average age is 70!
The Lord expects his body like “David” to transfer the vision, passion and equipping to the “Solomon’s” to establish the kingdom in this new generation. Pride, ignorance, culture and policy will not be tenable excuses before the judgement seat of Christ
We need focused and appropriate engagement, interpretation, equipping and release of the next generation of generals, pioneers and culture champions… Question is are we ready?
The House of Lights has been facilitating these discussions for years within the Christian community, and we have fantastic testimonies to back it up if you are affected by this and need us to work with you inbox me!
We are experienced in working with believers of different ages and backgrounds, we help the emerging Ekklesia (the next generation) develop form, focus and structure and the established Ekklesia to transition into a current response status as the body of Christ
NB. You will have to lose something to gain something… you will sacrifice pride, fear, old ways, and your failures to gain the benefits of a transferable legacy, a stake in the future and a satisfaction that your labours will not be extinct in the next 30 years…
What are you gonna do?
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