Walking Dominately In Your Purpose
Life is the marketplace, the Lord your maker is the business owner, you are the entrepreneur; have you ever wondered what it means to be manifest as a son of God, it’s not as far off as you think! There are Titans amongst us and you are one of them, your life is more than a few visits to the gym, the daily hum dum of work and life, you were created for more, come on and see through the veil! take one of my purpose courses, become a Sontreprenuer
Each purpose related course comes with projects, that develops competence around the principles you learn
Explore the Titan inside you, you have greatness locked in your genes, that is the source of your genius, if only you knew how to unlock it!
The Genius programme is the entry level to the sontrepreneurs life,
The Gene-In-Us Course Systems
The Genius Packages:
True knowledge reflects in practice, consistent practice creates a lifestyle, life is like a wild bronco, it requires skill to master and ride it to your destiny, here you learn to tame the “bucking bronco”, it’s Got much to offer you!
The Practitioner Course Systems
Project Title – A.C.E: Walking In Your Purpose
The Practitioner Packages:
The world needs heros, but it takes a lot to be a real one. Why not start by being a veteran Sontrepreneur? A master of the art and science of life!
What is the difference between a veteran and a rookie? Experience!
The Veteran Course Systems
Walking in Dominion in the Marketplace
The Veteran Packages
We were made to change the world, to make it better, stop it deteriorating and keep the human generations inspired, each one of us is a unique individual, a monarch of a domain, a lord and lady of realms, be more than a veteran, be a titan, tower above your limits!
The Titan Course Systems
Transforming your world
Titan Packages